Vi har byggt klätterväggen och vår hemsida med stöd från Tjustbygdens Sparbank.
Prices 2024
Engångsklättring 80 kr
Barn 60 kr
Hyra skor 20 kr
Helgklättring 100 kr
Årskort 2800 kr
Ungdom/barn 1800 kr
Familjekort 2800 kr
+ 700 kr/barn
Halvårskort 1800 kr
Ungdom/barn 1000 kr
5-kort 350 kr
10-kort 650 kr
Nyckel 300 kr
Drop in climbing. Booking is not necessary.
Västervik climbing center is a meeting place for climbers. There you have free wireless internet access. It´s a place to meet, share experiences, and get current information about the climbing in the region. It´s a place where you can do some indoor bouldering when the weather is bad and get to know other climbers.
We have approximately 300 m² bouldering with more than 50 marked problems of different difficulty levels. There are many gradients, angles and modules that make the climbing varied and interesting. We have severel times arranged Swedish championship. Västerviks klättercenter is driven by Västerviks climbingclub.
You can also rent crashpads. Contact
Adress: Kristinebergsgatan 12, 593 61 Västervik.